Inspection Request All fields are required Application requested by Your Name Your Email Your Phone: Builder Name Is Your Inspection Request Location State ACT or NSW Please Indicate StateACTNSW ACT Inspection Request ACT Suburb Block Section Description of Building Works The Date and Time of Inspection Requested Inspection Date: (not within 24 hours) Approximate Inspection Time —Please choose an option—MorningAfternoonAnytime Inspection Stage PiersFootingSlabFloor FramePre SheetFinalBond Beam Comments i.e. lockbox details In accordance with Section 43 of the 2004 Building Act I am requesting an inspection for the above property. (Please Confirm by ticking the box below). I certify that the building work stage complies with Section 42 of the ACT Building Act 2004 Yes I certify NSW Inspection Request Suburb Address Description of Building Works Inspection Date (not within 24 hours) Approximate Inspection Time (Morning/Afternoon/Anytime) —Please choose an option—MorningAfternoonAnytime Inspection Stage StormwaterPiersFootingsSlabFloor FramePre sheetWaterproofingFinalBond Beam Comments i.e. lockbox details Please leave this field empty. Please prove you are human by selecting the truck.